Services Offered
Adults with Psychiatric Disabilities

Supported Housing: Mobile flexible services for adults provided by a staffing team assigned to support people who live in their own homes or apartment. Typical services include support with home management, finances, medications, food, and access to other services. Face to face contact is usually provided 2-4 times per week, but can be increased/ decreased according to need. Learn more about Supported Housing.
Residential Rehabilitation: These time-limited services for adults are provided in a home owned or leased by the agency. A staffing team provides on-site support as needed in a 24-hour environment. Some residential services are not 24-hour depending on the person’s needs. These services are generally more intensive than supported housing. Learn more about Residential Rehabilitation.
The Wellness & Recovery Center: On Tuesdays and Thursdays Center staff meet people downtown to participate in a community activity. Bagged lunches are provided downtown at 12 pm. On Tuesdays and Thursdays Center staff encourage people to participate in community activities and provide support, as needed. Packed lunches are available for pick-up at the Center or can be delivered to the downtown area and Hope Station between 11:30 am – 12:00 pm. To receive a packed lunch, the Center kitchen must be contacted at least 24 hours in advance at 301-724-2582 Ext: 5100. Learn more about the Wellness & Recovery Center.
Children and Adolescents with Behavioral and/or Emotional Challenges
Supported Housing Services: Mobile flexible services for young people who are living with a parent or caregiver. Typical services include skills teaching and support with: anger management skills; coping skills; self-esteem; social skills; and independent living skills; as well as other services. Face to face contact is usually provided once a week but can be increased/ decreased according to need. Learn more about Supported Housing.
Group Activities: Skill-building activities designed to help young people develop the social and interpersonal skills needed to be successful in various environments. These activities focus on developing and utilizing skills such as interpersonal skills, social skills, coping skills, and developing and using a support network.

Adults with Developmental Disabilities

Health Home Services
This new program is funded through the generous support of a two-year grant totaling $175,000 from the Weinberg Foundation. The program is housed at the Wellness and Recovery Center facility and successfully enrolled over 100 participants.
Some Services Offered:
- Coordination with existing healthcare providers
- Appointment scheduling assistance
- Screening (cancer, STI, etc) tracking and referral
- Health education regarding a chronic condition
- Nutritional counseling—Diabetes Prevention
- Physical activity counseling
- Smoking cessation
- Medication review
- Sexuality education and family planning
- Family support services
- Transitional support and follow-up after hospital admission or visit